lördag 23 oktober 2010

Both Parents Died ? / Become Batman !

I know people say that nothing will change if I move to a house in the country, but I don't agree, cause I know things will change, I know I will feel better.
My problems wont go away, they still be there, I know I'm not crazy, naive or ignorant, but I know that I'm much more comfortable when I'm not in the city, when I can breath, when I can get up in the morning and go out and not be surrounded by thousands of houses and brick walls and just dead things.
When I'm surrounded by nature I get more calm, more here, more in the now,
I can breathe,
I can move,
I can live.
And I fall back into the routine that is me.
Going to bed early and waking up super early, and actually wake up, go out of bed and do something.

People don't believe anything will change.
But let them be wrong then, I don't care,
I've dreamed of my own house for at lest seven years now or something.
And I'll fucking get that house, with or with out you.
But I'm afraid it will take many years to come before I can afford something like that.
I want my fucking house!!!!!

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