torsdag 9 december 2010

Kiss with a fist

Last night I was out with Jokk.
Or first we drank coffee and talked, then later his friend came to join us, and we went to a pub.
I think I've never laughed so much in my entire life!
It was insane, and my stomach really hurt, along with my cheeks.

Tomorrow night I'm meeting Petter.
More coffee!
More talking.
Then maybe afterwards I'll meet with someone else, for the first time.
Well oh yes.
But it will be fiiiiiiiiiine!
Worst case scenario I'll get killed, and then I'm dead, who cares, or I'll get beaten up or raped or something, but then I can collect in the insurance cash!
I think that the insurance for rape is like 65 thousand.
It would be nice to have that kind of cash!
Rape isn't something to kid about, but I don't think it will happen and been there done that,
I can joke about it!
Life goes on, even if your scarred for life.

Love this pic <3

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