söndag 5 december 2010

Bad news

Today me and Johanna went to the movies.
It was nice, and the movie we saw was funny.
We ate SHITLOADS of popcorn and bacon snacks.

Theres loads and loads of snow.
It's like someone put Sweden up side down, I've never seen this much snow in Gothenburg before.
But I thinks it's nice!
As long as it keeps below zero so the snow don't melt.

My lovely kitten Alva has started to nick my socks and carries them away.
Mostly to the kitchen.

She's so cute, cause she's so small so she really have to lift her head up to be able to carry the socks away.
She's my little thief <3

Tomorrow I'll get to know if I get the apartment I went to look at last week.
I really hope I'll get it!
But I guess it's a little to nice for me to get.
So when I don't get it I'll get really sad!

But tomorrow I'm going to buy chocolate!
I had this urge for chocolate for so long!
Creamy amazing chocolate!

Today has been a fairly good day.
Even if I've wanted to cry a few times.
When I was on my way home from the movie, I listened to my PEPP play list and got really happy.
I felt that the world was truly amazing,
And I could breathe.
And I jumped in the snow,
Walked in the deep snow, and when I got to the house we live in I lay down in the snow and made an snow angel!
You can see it from our windows :)

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