tisdag 8 februari 2011


Woke up in the middle of the night because it was like a storm outside,
Then for like an hour I didn't dare to go back to sleep.
I ended up getting my headphones and started to listen to music and then there was no problem falling asleep again.
And even though it was like a blizzard last night, yes, rain and snow and bleh, it's the best weather in days right now!
The sun is shining and the sky is blue!

Tonight I'm working!
But only for four hours, on Thursday too,
And maybe I'll get to work 07.30-16.00 tomorrow.

Now in February I'm getting a lot of visitors!
This weekend,
Next weekend,
And the week after that,
Woop woop!
It will be awesome!

Working tomorrow!
So far this month I've only been working in one place, and thats were I'm working the rest of the week too.
It's my favorite place, it's where I work the most, so that I can get a somewhat routine going!
And tonight I get of work early so I can take the tram all the way home.
I'll probably get done early to, so that I can go home like a half hour earlier.
That's what having a routine is all about!! Getting of early!

I really do feel like taking a bath or go out and basking in the sun,
Don't think it's so warm so you can bask in the sun just yet, but still, I want to.
And I'll guess I'll go into town a bit before I have to go for work, so that I can buy some stuff I need.
But we'll see.

I want summer now!
Or at least spring.
But it'll come soon enough!

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