tisdag 30 november 2010

A Faint Idea

I bought some clothes on the Hm sale.
I just love Star Wars stuff!
Yum yum!

My head really hurts.
Just took two pain killers.
Hope it'll starts to work soon.
Tomorrow I'm going to meet a friend for coffee.
And on Thursday morning I have an job interview.
I applied for the job and like 10 minutes later they called me up!
And on Thursday evening I'm going to a birthday party.
And on Friday I'm going to the employment office.
I fucking hate that place.
Please oh fucking please let me get a job so I don't have to deal with them anymore.
Seriously, if you don't already have a death wish you will have as soon as you're there.

My cats are here.
Don't know if I've said it earlier.
My mom drop them of this Saturday.
I love them!
But I have to sleep with earplugs to get some sleep.
I wake up much to easily!
Woke up once the first night with earplugs and thats because I had dropped one of them,

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